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#IT & Technology - Telecom

Cellular SCADA, Sunset WTP, Guntersville, AL

The City of Guntersville, AL is expanding their Sunset Water Treatment facility to an ultimate capacity of 8 MGD.


In conjunction with that expansion project, they have also replaced land line transmission to cellular circuits. Because cellular charges are flat rate unlimited usage the City is saving hundreds of dollars per month in telephone charges.

What industries would find this most relevant?


Government or military

Utilities or telecommunications

Which of your engineering specialties does this project best illustrate?

Networking and communications (including fieldbus, Ethernet, and telemetry)

Water, wastewater, and groundwater systems

Wireless and cloud communication deployments

Describe the nature and scope of the project in greater detail

The City of Guntersville, AL is expanding their Sunset Water Treatment facility from a capacity of 4 MGD to 6 MGD, with an ultimate capacity of 8 MGD. In conjunction with that expansion project, they have also replaced five of their RTUs, four water tank units and a pump station unit, switching the units from land line transmission to cellular circuits. Because cellular charges are flat rate unlimited usage as opposed to the rate of land lines, the City is saving hundreds of dollars per month in telephone charges. Cellular attennae is also much smaller eliminating traditional radio equivalents that require more difficult to achieve height locations.The expansion project is adding a second building, to which the control functions and laboratory facilities will be moved, allowing for more administrative and training space.

Key advantages to the application include:

- Cellular communications (flat rate) save hundreds of dollars per month.

- Expanded design includes capabilities to serve anticipated growth.

- Antennae are integrated atop the RTU enclosure, eliminating need for a separate tall structure.

Existing filters (foreground) and associated control room with clarifying tanks (left) and partially completed expansion tanks in the background. Ultimate capacity will be 8 MGD.


  • Birmingham, AL, USA
  • Revere Control