Hertfordshire County Council is to discuss the options open to it following the Secretary of State's decision not to grant planning permission for Veolia's New Barnfield recycling and waste to energy facility.
At a meeting of the Highways and Waste Management Cabinet Panel on Tuesday 4 November, a cross-party group of councillors will discuss the options proposed in a report published following Eric Pickles decision to deny planning permission for the planned 26 MW Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility.
According to the Report of the chief executive & director of environment, following the refusal there are broadly three options for the Council to consider in relation to the Residual Waste Treatment Programme (RWTP) Contract. These are; extending the Planning Permission Longstop Date (PPLD); request a Revised Project Plan (RPP); or contract termination.
The council explained that Veolia has subsequently decided to challenge the Secretary of State's decision, and the case will be heard on 16 and 17 December.
However, it was also noted that the appeal is being made entirely at Veolia’s cost and independently from the County Council, which is not be challenging the decision.
The court's decision is anticipated early in the New Year.
Terry Douris, Cabinet Member for Waste Management, said: "The main recommendation in the report is to request Veolia to prepare an alternative option for the long term treatment of Hertfordshire's residual waste should the New Barnfield proposals not be deliverable.
"It is suggested that they are given six months to complete this work. We'll then carefully consider their final proposal before deciding to continue with Veolia or request termination of the contract."
The recommendations that are made at the Panel meeting will then be put to Cabinet on 10 November for a final decision.