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Create an army of miniature snowmen with 3D printed snowman molds

Fans of beloved comic strip Calvin & Hobbes know very well that Calvin, like most other children his age, enjoys making snowmen during the winter. In reality, Calvin fans have used different ways to create their own miniature snowmen

Redditor Zombiechic80 recently printed these tiny snowman molds using a design file at Thingiverse.

"I planned on making a snowman army but only got 4 in before giving up." Zombiechic80 notes. His Calvin & Hobbes dreams were foiled because he didn't bring any gloves.

But if you have access to a 3D printer you can create your own army of miniature snowmen by downloading the design files on Thingiverse.

After printing, fill both sides of molds with snow and compress by hand. Scrape off the excess with a knife and sandwich the two halves together. In just two minutes you will have a tiny snowman at your disposal. Bring a good pair of gloves to keep your hands warm and dry if you plan to create a snowman army.

Create an army of miniature snowmen with 3D printed snowman molds


  • United States
  • Zombiechic80
