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#Industry (Production, process)

MHT Reconditions PET Preform Tool after 10 Years

Ten years ago, Western Container Corporation installed their first 192-cavity tool from MHT Mold & Hotrunner Technology AG, Hochheim a. Main, Germany

The tool was installed in a Netstal PET-LINE 6000 system and has subsequently produced some 3 billion preforms. Now, the tool has been reconditioned by MHT.

The original preform design is being superseded with a new lightweight design. The new 22 gram preform has a lightweight PCO 1881 thread finish, and MHT has built complete new cold halves incorporating the latest stack design technology. Although the first tool is now ten years old, it is technically completely up to date. Despite its size, the 192-cavity tool is surprisingly user-friendly in its start-up performance. Generally, the 3rd shot generates perfect quality preforms.

The MHT founder and longtime Technical Manager, Werner Plass, and his successor Christian Wagner came to visit the customer for the hand-over of the new molds. The collaboration between MHT and Western Container goes back many years and covers tools for Netstal and Husky machines.

Western Container produces preforms for Coca-Cola with five sites in the US, and operates three of MHT's 192 cavity molds. MHT has a total of ten 192 cavity tools in the market worldwide.

Werner Plass (MHT, left) with Roger Kerr (WCC)


  • Dr.-Ruben-Rausing-Straße 7, 65239 Hochheim am Main, Germany
  • MHT Mold & Hot Runner Technology AG